Would Like to Learn How to Stop Most of Your Cat’s Rude Habits and Behaviors That Are Making You Go Crazy?

(Without harming or scaring your beloved pet?)

And by this, I mean bad behaviors like…

  • Yowling and screaming during the night because your friend wants to sleep with you, go outside, or is feeling bored.

  • Biting your hands, wrists, and ankles is a sign of aggression or play.

  • Jumping on the table, shelves, kitchen counter, or other surfaces he or she is not allowed to stay on (seeing your favorite vase smashed in a thousand pieces on the ground isn’t that fun, heh?).

  • Spraying on the walls, the sofa, and other furniture you love, forcing you to brush and clean every time, and feeling embarrassed to bring friends and family home.

  • Attacking and rejecting any other cat or dog that visits the house, which makes it seem impossible to introduce a new member to the family.

  • Peeing outside of the litter box, even if it is clean and hand washed.

And the list goes on.

If you see yourself in one or more of these situations…

And you feel like there is no solution to these issues…

Or maybe you have already tried some solutions, but haven’t given any results whatsoever…

Then let me show you one of the resources that will answer many of the questions bubbling up in your head.


The Cat Language Bible™

The Cat Language Bible™ is a research­-based guide developed specifically for helping you communicate better with your feline friend.

It teaches you how to understand their language and respond in a way they can understand as well.

And today, I’d like to show how this guide can help you get rid of as much as rude and toxic behaviors your cat (or cats) have at home as possible.

The Cat Language Bible: a close up of the book

Before Telling You What’s Inside Though…

I’d like to discuss the reason why there are so many people having problems with their beloved pets.

Here’s the thing: looking for solutions on the internet takes time. A lot.

Just looking for a blog post that teaches you how to stop your cat from scratching your furniture could take you HOURS.

You need to click on different links…

  • Read every blog post…

  • See if the person who teaches this has any credentials…

  • And finally, try one of the many solutions available, and see if it works.

Then, when bloggers do not have the answer to your question…

You turn to another place: online communities like Reddit.

But people inside communities do not have all the answers to your questions.

Especially to the ones only real experts can answer.

In fact, too many times people give partial or even wrong advice that doesn’t fit your specific case.

Which means that you are back at square one.

So, Why Should The Cat Language Bible™ Be Any Different?

Well… there are 2 reasons.

  • First, an expert wrote The Cat Language Bible™ Jonas Jurgella is a Ph.D. in animal behavior and a researcher. Credentials almost no Reddit user has. He’s worked with hundreds of cat owners to help build bonds through the power of language and conversation. He’s also led the field in the ever-exciting area of animal-human interaction, both verbal and nonverbal, for over 14 years.
  • Second, The Cat Language Bible™ summarizes most of the answers to frequent (and not so frequent) questions many cat owners have, which they would have to look for individually.

What Can You Find Inside This Guide?

Here’s a small list of the many things you would find in this 107-page guide, full of scientific discoveries:

  • How to speak to your cat and communicate your thoughts and feelings, word by word.

  • Master your cat’s body language, so you can immediately notice if it’s joyful, upset, irritated, or confused.

  • Detailed explanations with pictures of how it uses its whiskers, ears, eyes, mouth, tail, and even meows, to communicate with you.

  • How to deal with spraying, excessive night meowing and many other bad behaviors your pet has and make them stop.

  • How to turn this knowledge into the best care, training, and nutrition for your feline friend that even your Vet doesn’t know about!

  • And much more…

Naturally, this isn’t enough to prove how helpful this guide can be.

If you are like me, you probably are the kind of person who believes something works if other cat owners have tried it as well.

For that reason, Jonas Jurgella, Ph.D. has asked those who bought and read the guide to put their feedback on Goodreads, and the official website among others. 

In this chapter, you will discover interesting facts related to the domestication of cats throughout the history of mankind.

  • How different civilizations viewed and treated cats throughout history: Japanese, Chinese, Egyptians, Norse people, Muslims, Romans, sailors, and what they believe were.
  • Why it has been easy for humans to domesticate cats, and how it’s been a very different process compared to dogs.
  • Why it is believed that cats have 7 lives.

In this chapter, you’ll find invaluable information,  illustrated by images on:

The Body and Head Posture

  • How to discover if you can pet your cat or any other one, and avoid getting clawed and marks on your hands and arms.
  • How to know if your cat wants to play with you.
  • The reason why your cat shows you its belly.
  • The single sign that shows you that a cat is aggressive and wants to stay alone.
  • 9 postures that tell you if a cat wants to play, stay alone, or attack.

The Ears Position

  • 5 ear positions that tell you exactly when your cat feels uneasy, afraid, or angry.
  • The surprising (even funny) reason why your cat has one ear flat and the other picked up at times.

The Tail Position

  • 10 different tail positions that express all of your cat’s emotions.
  • Why your cat twitches its tail when it’s in a high position.
  • The meaning of the tail when it resembles a question mark (and why you should give particular attention when it happens).
  • Why you should be careful when your cat’s tail is down.
    The sign that tells you that your cat’s not ignoring you while you are addressing him or her.

Taking in all the postures

  • 7 combinations of body, head, ears, and tail positions that tell you exactly your cat’s mood, intentions, and feelings.

A cat can’t smile as we do, however they have facial expressions that tell you a lot about what they’re thinking or feeling. In this chapter, you will learn how to interpret these facial expressions:


  • 7 ways a cat communicates its feelings and emotions through its eyes.
  • Why their pupils dilate and how this happens for reasons beyond being surprised by something.
  • Why they stare at things for soooooo long.
    When you should avoid eye contact with a cat, and why this prevents you from having a bad experience.
  • How their blinking speed defines if they like you or not.


  • Why you should stay alert when your cat has its mouth open, and how you should handle the situation when specific conditions are met
  • Do cats really smile?
  • The surprising reason why cats eat grass (even if they are carnivores).


  • The truth about a cat’s whiskers and why you should NEVER cut any of the 24 of them (no, they are not just longer cat hairs).
  • The 3 types of whiskers cats have and how each has a different purpose that enables the feline to do many of the amazing stunts things he or she does.
  • What is whisker stress? And should you be concerned about it?
  • Why you should avoid having a tall, narrow bawl for your cat to eat.
    How cats express different feelings when their whiskers are flat against their face, face forward, point down, or not moving.
  • The unsurprising reason why cats’ whiskers turn white with time.
  • Why fat cats have issues with their whiskers.

Cats do not meow randomly, or because they are bored. Cat’s vocalizations serve a purpose. Listening to these is one of the most effective ways to interpret what your cat is feeling or expressing. This is what you are going to learn in this chapter:


  • How to turn into a seasoned cat owner by deciphering the vocalizations of your cat.
  • The truth about your cat’s meow.
  • The 7 different types of meow and how to interpret each one.
  • Is there an ultrasonic meow? And does it really matter?
  • How purring doesn’t always mean that they are happy to see you, and why sometimes you should feel concerned about it.
  • How to be sure your cat is ill by listening through their meows.

Excessive meowing

  • 2 triggers that tell you your cat is meowing excessively, and how you can deal with it.
  • 5 reasons why your cat starts meowing constantly, and when you should bring it to the vet.
  • 4 things your vet checks to see if your cat is ill.
  • The rules you should follow to stop your cat’s constant meowing.
  • 3 behaviors you should ALWAYS avoid when trying to stop excessive meowing.
  • Why you should NEVER punish your cat, and what alternative you can take to get what you want.
  • When you can ignore your cat’s meows, and not feel guilty or worried about it.
  • How to deal with your cat when it’s constantly asking for food.
  • How to respond to the more serious conditions that cause excessive meowing. without panicking or throwing in the towel.

Night Meowing

  • 8 reasons why your cat performs night meowing and which times you should be careful for.
  • How to use music to calm your cat (yes, it’s proven to work with them just like for us).
  • 7 ways you can try to stop night meowing.

Cats have over forty times (200 million) the number of scent receptors than humans (5 million). This is why scent is a big part of their survival. In this chapter you’ll discover:


  • Why cats rub against things or other cats inside the house.
    Why your cats welcome with hostility the cat you brought to the vet.


  • The reason why your cat sprays and which are the signs that tell it’s about to do it.
  • The simple and inexpensive trick that will prevent your cat from spraying at new objects you bring home.
  • Another super simple trick to stop your cat from urinating on the floor of your house.

Cats frequently use touch to express how they feel or to exert control over a situation. In this chapter, you are going to learn:

  • Why cats lick you, knead, scratch things, touch noses with you, head bump, or bite.
  • 6 ways cats interact with you, other cats, or things with their touch.
  • When you should avoid your cat if it’s biting you while you play with him.

Cats can be really strange at times. In this chapter, you will find all the answers to the strangest cat behaviors that make you feel confused or surprised:

  • A full breakdown of your cat biting its nails, sprinting randomly, sprawling on your pc while you are typing, napping on your chest, sleeping in a tight ball or inside boxes, and many more!
  • What to do when your cat isn’t covering its feces or urine inside the litter.
  • The reason why your cat makes a strange face when sniffing your shoes (no, they are not showing disgust).
  • Why cats like so much to climb up on high places.

Here, you’ll discover great tips on dealing with your cat, no matter what mood or emotion they’re in. You’ll also learn how to show your love in a way he or she can understand. This is exactly what you are going to discover:

  • 17 different tips you can perform right away to improve your relationship with your cat.
  • 4 ways to say “I love you” to your cat.
    How to make the “three-step handshake”, a simple and infallible system to pet any cat without getting bitten, clawed, or attacked.
  • 6 steps to groom your cat the right way.
    Should you bathe your cat? And is there an alternative?
  • 8 steps to bathe your cat without getting him or her distressed, aggressive, or uncooperative.
    6 steps to brush your cat’s teeth and how doing it prevents a series of inconvenient illnesses in the long run.
  • 5 different products that may help you in the process of teaching your cat to get its teeth brushed.

Many people adore cats, but if you decide to adopt one into your home and make it a member of your family, there may be certain undesirable behaviors that the cat enjoys, but you do not. In this chapter, you will find answers to the most common unwanted behaviors of your cat and how to solve them. You will learn: 

  • How to distinguish if your cat is playing or being aggressive, and how to deal with the latter one.
  • Why negative training is not the solution to getting your cat to behave as you like (and how the alternative works much better).
  • Learn the drama queen method to un-teach your cat to bite or scratch you (even if it’s been years doing it and has developed a bad habit).
  • How to teach your cat to eat what is on its bowl, even if she behaves like a princess of a Disney movie.
  • Why you shouldn’t feed your cat as you would do with a child.
  • The crazy (almost sadistic) way to make your cat eat everything on his or her bowl.
  • How to teach your cat to STOP messing with your things, without hitting, being aggressive, or punitive.
  • How to teach your cat to use the litter box correctly, even if there is no other cat to teach him or her around the house or is old and hasn’t used a litterbox in his or her whole life.
  • Why your cat urinates and defecates on the same spot every time when it hasn’t learned how to use a litterbox, and how to stop it.
  • The special training you should give to cats that stop using a litterbox because it’s too fun to do it inside a large potted plant.
  • Which air fresheners you should NEVER use to make a litterbox less smelly.
  • Why your cat eats paper clips, rubber bands, tin foil, litter sand, and the like, and how to stop such behaviors for good.

Helping shy and scared cats

  • If your cat is shy, scared, and hides all the time, then this guide will teach you how to solve that.

Stopping Spraying

  • A simple solution to spraying issues.

Interacting with kittens

  • How to make a kitten unafraid of humans for the rest of its life.

There are so many cool facts about cats that you probably haven’t heard of. In this chapter, you will find answers to the most unusual questions about our cats, such as:

  • Are cats really lactose intolerant?
  • Can they REALLY predict the weather?
  • How much do cats actually sleep?
  • Do they like warm or cold food?

If you have started to think about getting your first cat and bringing it into a loving home, this is a must-read chapter. This is what you are going to learn:

  • The 11 steps you should take when adopting a new cat to ensure you’re the best cat parent on the block.

Introducing a second cat to your home

  • 3 simple questions to determine if you really need (or want) another cat in your house (and avoid the painful experience of having to care for another life when you actually weren’t ready yet).
  • How to choose the right cat for your home.
    What actions you need to take before the arrival of the new cat.
  • How to introduce the new cat to the other(s) without getting an aggressive response.
  • The last resort you should take when your cats refuse to get along.

Understanding feline hierarchy

  • The difference between the feral and the domestic cat hierarchies.
  • How feral cats’ colonies work.
  • The 9 factors that determine the domestic cat hierarchy so you know exactly your house’s hierarchy.
  • 3 signs that determine that your cat is an alpha.
    2 ways you can deal with your bossy alpha cat.


Feline to feline communication

  • How to interpret the communication between cats so you can understand when it is proper to intervene and when you should just leave them alone.

Look at What Other Cat Owners Have to Say

“I found the information in this book absolutely fascinating! It gives a thorough explanation with pictures on how cats use their eyes, ears, whiskers, mouths, meows and tails to talk to us and communicate to us not just their needs but also their emotions. It also gives very good information on proper cat care and invaluable tips on dealing with issues such as spraying and excessive night meowing. I love that I can now finally express to Jinny how much I love her!”

Henriette M.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“All little secrets will be easier to identify once we are aware of how to talk to your cats. The cat language bible is a book where we will find the answers to all your questions. It shows understanding cat language and how cats communicate with other cats and humans. The Cat Language Bible explains the difference between the meowing cat meaning tones and pitches. The cat’s body language can be understood by how cats move their eyes, ears, body, and tail. It is not a set-in-the-stone definition. It depends on the situation; the same sign can sometimes represent the opposite. Therefore it is imperative to learn how to interact with your cat”.

Carissa D.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Thanks to this book I now know when my cat wants to play and when she wants to be left alone (there are some huge surprises in cat language!), when she is feeling happy and when she is feeling down, when she is meowing for affection and when she is meowing cause she is in pain…not just that but now I know how I can effectively communicate with her. I feel much closer to her now and it takes your relationship with your cat to a whole new level!

Mariah W.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“The product comes as the result of a number of different kinds of research and testimonials involving hundreds of cats in the verbal and non-verbal language they use. From the tests and the personal experience of the author as a specialist in animal behavior, he will offer help to readers in interpretation of the gestures and sounds that the cat makes. It will surprise you how complicated the feelings and emotions of the cat can be. After you get to know them, you are going to be able to make just the right response.”

Nathan G. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“The Cat Language Bible was developed after depth research and many testimonials from cat owners who got to understand their cats’ both verbal and non-verbal communication. Through vast research and experience as an animal behavior specialist, Jonas Jurgella developed the program to help cat owners interpret cat sounds and gestures. It will surprise you when you realize how hard cat feelings and emotions are. But when you get to understand cat talk, you respond to them in the correct way. Also, a stronger and deeper bond is built between you and your cat.”

Billy H. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

As you can see, this guide changed the lives of these folks.

This guide helped them find that crucial piece of information that could help them restore peace at home.

And to be honest, that is what happened to me as well…


I Didn’t Introduce Myself!

Hi, my name is Liliana.

I’m a cat lover who turned her passion for cats into an opportunity: helping other people build a better and stronger relationships with their cats.

In the past year, I’ve found The Cat Journey, an online blog that specializes in cat behavior.

In it, I share all the tips and guides on how to understand, correct, and solve specific cat behaviors that make life at home difficult and stressful.

Throughout my studies on cat behavior, I’ve found Jonas’s The Cat Language Bible.

And after getting my hands on that brief and concise guide, I found many of the answers I needed to deal with some bad behaviors my cat Junior had for YEARS.

In fact, it taught me one of the most important skills a cat owner can learn:

Understanding a Cat’s Body Language

You see…

Even if I loved Junior, my cat, with all my heart, I used to feel a big disconnection between me and him.


Because I could not understand many of the strange behaviors he had.
I couldn’t tell if he was happy, mad, or sad.

But only the obvious one… when he was hungry!

So, when I started reading The Cat Language Bible, it opened my mind by teaching me exactly how to decipher his body language.

And I’m not just telling you how to interpret basic things like the posture of his tail…

I mean every single part of his body!

Tail, eyes, ears, head, body, mouth… and even whiskers!

Thanks to this guide, now I know exactly what Junior feels, which lets me take the best care he needs.

But that’s not all.

There are more things Jonas Jurgellla, Ph.D. did not include in his page that I found inside that guide and I’m sure you would be interested to learn.

Close up of a cat lying on its back trying to catch a wand toy

Here Are Some of Them:

Let’s take a quick rest for a second.

As you can see, this is no ordinary guide.

You won’t find the usual, common stuff other people tell you.

And you won’t find vague answers that leave you more confused than before.

The best part?

Jonas Jurgella Ph.D. did not write this guide with academic terms few people understand.

He wrote it having cat owners like us in mind.

People who are concerned about their cat’s behavior and want concrete information can apply right away.

And this, my friend, is where The Cat Language Bible™ really shines.

Here Are Even More Secrets Inside This Guide When You Get Your Hands on It Today:

And this is just what you will learn when reading the Cat Language Bible.

Would you like to get it?

Believe it or not, when Jonas Jurgella Ph.D. finished writing The Cat Language Bible™ he realized how he did not cover some specific topics with more depth.

Specifically, the topics of food and training.

For that reason, he decided to include, as a bonus, 3 more guides once you buy the Cat Language Bible, each designed to give better support in your journey.

Let’s look at them…

Bonus 1: The Cat Care Guide

The Cat Care Guide teaches you how to accept your cat’s feedback.

You’ll learn the right way to give it the proper attention, entertainment, support, and feeding based on what it’s telling you.
Value $ 14,00


Bonus 2: Training Your Cat

Our second bonus guide, Training Your Cat, is all about raising a well­-disciplined and respectful cat. It’s no secret that training cats can often be more difficult than dogs. Still, it is possible.

Cats need a little extra guidance in the form of strength training practices. With this guide, you’ll master it the right way.
Value $14,00

Bonus 3: A­-To-­Z Feline Nutrition

Our final bonus guide is A-­to-­Z Feline Nutrition, and I’d like to think of this one as the fuel that powers our animal’s brains and bodies.

This guide will make the difference between sharing good times with a strong, vital and creative cat… Or one affected by chronic lethargy, fatigue and illness.

Nutrition is critical for providing our animals with their very best lives, that’s why this guide is so essential.
Value $14,00

Are You Fed up With Your Cat’s Bad Behaviors?

Ok. So, you had a taste of how this offer could make fundamental changes in the relationship that you have with your cat.

Now I have some questions for you:

  • Are you willing to keep feeling confused every time your cat behaves in an unexpected way you can’t understand?

  • Are you willing to keep feeling like you are not sure if you are taking care of your pet in the best way you can?

  • Are you willing to let your cat go on with their habits that are taking a toll on your sleep, your mood, your relationships, and your wallet?

Because that is what is going to happen the moment you close this page and keep going with your day.

Perhaps one day you’ll find the answers this guide provides…

But at what cost?

You could be spending months, or even years, living with a problem this guide could help you solve.

So, if your answer to my question is no, then let me tell you how this simple and easy-to-read guide will let you find the answers you need today.

You will…

  • Sleep better at night, knowing that you are taking the best care you can for your cat.

  • Understand your cat’s feelings better, so you can adjust your behavior in a way that makes every interaction with your pet enjoyable.

  • Get rid of the rude habits and behaviors that are currently hurting you, your family, and at times even your friends and neighbors.
  • Go to the vet when you really need to, saving you both time and money.

  • Enjoy a longer, healthier, and happier life with your cat, something that every cat owner deserves.

Yes, these are some of the things this little guide can do for you.

Still, I know there is a little voice inside your head that is saying…

“What if This Guide Doesn’t Help in Any Way?”

I feel you.

Nobody wants to buy useless products.

For this reason, Jonas Jurgella decided to give a 30-days, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.


The Cat Language Bible Guarantee

This way, you’ll have all the time you need to see if the product is a good fit for you.

And if it’s not, he will give you what’s yours back.

No hard feelings.

Last but not least, comes the final question…

How Much Does This Entire System Cost?

All­-together this package would normally run for $69,99, and it would be well worth it at that price. Trust me.

But the author has decided to make you a special deal.

Something that I’m sure you are going to be more comfortable with since this is probably the first time you’ve ever heard about him.

You’ll get the whole system for one low payment of $27.

That’s right, just $27.

And for this little investment, you’ll have the chance to learn and apply proven and effective strategies and tactics to improve your relationship with your cat by the day.

So, if you are ready to start this journey…

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